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General Medicine and Surgery - Medical student revision guide

General Medicine and Surgery - Medical student revision guide

Resident Readiness Internal Medicine, 2nd Edit

Resident Readiness Internal Medicine, 2nd Edit

Macleod's Clinical Examination 15 Edit

Regular Price $106.95 Special Price $96.25 $87.50

Fifty years since it was first published and now fully revised, Macleod’s remains the textbook of choice for medical students, junior doctors, nurses and allied health practitioners who understand that excellence in clinical examination is integral to good practice.

The fifteenth edition will teach you how to take a history and carry out proficient clinical examination, in order to elicit the key clinical symptoms and signs of disease. It covers general principles, relevant history, examination and investigations for all the major body systems – and how to effectively apply these skills to specific clinical situations and prepare for assessment.

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Macleod’s Clinical Examination is enhanced with 32 supplementary videos demonstrating key clinical examination routines described in the book, many new and revised for this edition in line with latest guidance and best practice.


• Primarily focused on the practical skills required by medical students and early career stage clinicians
• Explains the physical basis of clinical signs to aid understanding
• Introduces the formulation of a differential diagnosis
• Provides logical initial investigations for each body system
• Comes with access to the complete, fully searchable and downloadable eBook

More Information
Author Anna R Dover
Format Paperback
Page Count 464
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