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Medical Terminology for Pharmacy Flash Cards

Medical Terminology for Pharmacy Flash Cards

Macleod's Clinical Examination 15 Edit

Macleod's Clinical Examination 15 Edit

General Medicine and Surgery - Medical student revision guide

Regular Price $79.99 Special Price $72.00 $65.45

All the core knowledge you need at medical school in one place! General Medicine and Surgery: Medical Student Revision Guide contains the core information you need on: Cardiology; Endocrinology; Gastroenterology; Hepato-pancreato-biliary; Haematology; Immunology & Allergy; Neurology; Renal; Respiratory; General surgical principles; The acute abdomen; Gastrointestinal surgery; The breast; Vascular surgery; Urology; Critical illness; Emergency presentations; Rheumatology; Trauma & orthopaedics.

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Throughout medical school, and the years thereafter, a huge volume of knowledge must be acquired and retained, to achieve the standards expected of a safe and successful doctor. This is a mammoth task.

General Medicine and Surgery: Medical Student Revision Guide is designed to make accessing and remembering core knowledge as easy as possible: each topic is presented in a colourful, revision-ready note format, with extensive use of diagrams, tables and flowcharts key points are highlighted and core concepts summarised, making the information easier to digest, assimilate and memorise a consistent structure means you always have access to clinical presentation, investigations and management, risk factors and complications.

Every chapter has been peer-reviewed by a specialist in the field, to ensure it is accurate and reflects the most up-to-date guidelines. In addition, these specialists have also used their own personal experience of studying for medical exams to ensure that the books focus on the most important conditions, concepts and vocabulary needed to pass finals.

General Medicine and Surgery: Medical Student Revision Guide is the perfect companion for your medicine degree, exam revision, medical finals and your early career as a foundation doctor.

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Author Rebecca Richardson, By Ricky Ellis
Format Paperback
Page Count 320
Publish Date 1 Mar 2023


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