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Oxford Assess and Progress: Medical Sciences

Oxford Assess and Progress: Medical Sciences

Alzheimer's and other Dementias

Alzheimer's and other Dementias

Working in International Health

Regular Price $98.95 Special Price $89.06 $80.96
Stock Status: 12 – 16 weeks delivery
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Working in international health is a practical guide for UK health professionals wanting to work in low and middle-income countries. Drawing on the experience of a broad range of people who have made working in international health a reality, the book is an essential guide, whether you plan to work internationally as a one-off, for a protracted period, or even as a full-time career.

It addresses the what, where and hows of international work. Early chapters cover issues such as whether working overseas is possible for you, how to arrange a placement, key considerations when choosing a location, and the reality of working conditions in resource-poor and emergency contexts. It includes a detailed description of all major recruiting organizations for UK health professionals, who they're looking for and their application process.

Uniquely it not only focuses on the individual, but also the 'host' country and health system. How can your time overseas benefit rather than burden your host country? A reality check is important, and later chapters consider how one can work with colleagues overseas to bring about long-lasting change.

Drawing on the latest guidance and knowledge, and written by highly experienced, well-travelled experts, this book has something for everyone, whether you are a medical student planning your first elective overseas, or a seasoned international worker wanting to broaden your options and understand some of the issues in more depth.

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Author GEDDE
Table Of Content

Section 1: Is international health for me?
1: A global perspective
2: Why do it?
3: Rewards and challenges
4: Is it possible?
Section 2: Making it happen
5: What work could you do?
6: Where could you work?
7: Planning your placement
8: Humanitarian relief
9: Before you go
Section 3: In the field
10: Settling in
11: The working environment
12: Getting the most out of it
13: Making an impact
Section 4: Coming home
14: Returning home
15: What now?
Appendix 1
Useful contacts
Appendix 2
Useful resources
Appendix 3
Useful courses

Publish Date 22 Sep 2011
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