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Teaching Deaf Learners Psychological and Developmental Foundations

Teaching Deaf Learners Psychological and Developmental Foundations

Mind and the Frontal Lobes Cognition, Behavior, and Brain Imaging

Mind and the Frontal Lobes Cognition, Behavior, and Brain Imaging

The Slippery Slope to Genocide Reducing Identity Conflicts and Preventing Mass Murder

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Genocide results from the culmination of conflicts over identity. A group of people that feels threatened by extinction resorts to genocide as a pathologically defensive reaction. This poses a security dilemma that can only be broken by quelling the feelings of threat and fear that prompt mass violence. In order to prevent genocide, it is essential to understand the internal dynamics of identity conflict. It is also important to intervene at the early stages of identity conflict; the parties involved require external help to ease tensions.

In this volume, noted thinkers and practitioners of conflict management, who hail from ten different countries, present ideas on how to prevent identity issues from causing fear and escalating into genocide. They focus on measures for handling the internal dynamics of parties facing identity conflicts, as well as considerations for arranging external assistance. Contributors address the problem of outbidders, actors whose non-conciliatory attitudes put them in positions of leadership in their identity groups. Since political extremism and violence can signal resolve and commitment to a group cause, moderates give way to hardliners. Spoilers, who believe that peace undermines their interests and power, also play a key role in the dynamics of conflicts. Careful attention is necessary to select appropriate third parties who can pull conflicting parties off the course of conflict. The authors discuss the concepts and practices involved in changing structures and attitudes to ease tensions, as well as the measures interveners must take to work in the midst of conflicting groups.

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Table Of Content

Part I. Introduction
Chapter 1: The Problem: Preventing Identity Conflicts and Genocide
Mark Anstey and I. William Zartman
Chapter 2: The Roots and Prevention of Genocide and Related Mass Violence
Ervin Staub
Part II. Internal Dynamics: The Parties
Chapter 3: The Identity Trap: Managing Paradox in Crisis Bargaining
William A. Donohue
Chapter 4: The Identity Narratives
Jesús Romero-Trillo
Chapter 5: Negotiating Memories and Justice in the Philippines
Ariel Macaspac Penetrante
Chapter 6: Diasporas and the Politics of Identity in International Negotiations
Fen Osler Hampson
Chapter 7: Outbidding and the Decision to Negotiate
Jannie Liljia
Chapter 8: The Insides of Identity and Intragroup Conflict
Jay Rothman
Chapter 9: Handling Spoilers and the Prospect of Violence
Marie-Joëlle Zahar
Part III. Intervention Dynamics: The Mediator
Chapter 10: Mediation and Identity Conflicts
Joshua Smilovitz
Chapter 11: The Challenge of Partnerism
Moty Cristal
Chapter 12: Conditions for Internal Conflict Resolution through External Intervention
Frank Pfetsch
Chapter 13: Who Gets What in Peace Agreements?
David Cunningham
Chapter 14: Evolving International Law of Intervention and Prevention
Franz Cede, University of Budapest
Chapter 15: The International Community Response
Peter Wallensteen, Frida Möller, and Erik Melander
Chapter 16: OSCE HCNM: Strategies of the Legitimate Intervener in Internal Identity Conflicts
Fedor Meerts and Tassos Coulaloglou
Chapter 17: Negotiating Out of Conflict: External Interventions in Africa
Mark Anstey
Part IV. Conclusions
Chapter 18: Lessons for Theory
I. William Zartman and Mark Anstey
Chapter 19:Lessons for Practice
Mart Anstey and Paul Meerts

Publish Date 29 Mar 2012
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