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Memory and Law

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The legal system depends upon memory function in a number of critical ways, including the memories of victims, the memories of individuals who witness crimes or other critical events, the memories of investigators, lawyers, and judges engaged in the legal process, and the memories of jurors. How well memory works, how accurate it is, how it is affected by various aspects of the criminal justice system — these are all important questions. But there are others as well: Can we tell when someone is reporting an accurate memory? Can we distinguish a true memory from a false one? Can memories be selectively enhanced, or erased? Are memories altered by emotion, by stress, by drugs? These questions and more are addressed by Memory and Law, which aims to present the current state of knowledge among cognitive and neural scientists about memory as applied to the law.

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Author NADEL
Table Of Content

Part I. General Issues about Memory
Introduction: Memory in the Legal Context
L. Nadel & W. Sinnott-Armstrong
1. Emotion's Impact on Memory
E.A. Phelps
Part II. Memory in Eyewitnesses
2. Inconsistencies between Law and the Limits of Human Cognition: The Case of Eyewitness Identification
D. Davis & E.F. Loftus
3. Lineup Procedures in Eyewitness Identification
S.D. Gronlund, C.A Goodsell & S.M. Andersen
4. The Curious Complexity between Confidence and Accuracy in Reports from Memory
H.L. Roediger, III, J.H. Wixted & K.A. DeSoto
5. Evaluating Confidence in Our Memories: Results and Implications from Neuroimaging and Eye Movement Monitoring Studies of Metamemory
E.F. Chua
6. Evidentiary independence?: How evidence collected early in an investigation influences the collection and interpretation of additional evidence
L.E. Hasel
Part III. Memory in Jurors
7. Memory and jury deliberation: The benefits and costs of collective remembering
W. Hirst, A. Coman & C.B. Stone
8. Realizing the Potential of Instructions to Disregard
L.J. Demaine
9.: The Memory of Jurors: Enhancing Trial Performance
A. Sandberg, W. Sinnott-Armstrong & J. Suvalescu
Part IV. Neuroimaging Memories
10. Neuroimaging of True, False, and Imaginary Memories: Findings and Implications
D.L. Schacter, J. Chamberlain, B. Gaesser & K.D. Gerlach
11. Detection of concealed stored memories with psychophysiological and neuroimaging methods
J.P. Rosenfeld, G.B. Shakhar & G. Ganis
Part V. Legislative Issues
12. Criminalizing Cognitive Enhancement at the Blackjack Table
A. Kolber
13. Monetizing Memory Science: Neuroscience and the Future of PTSD Litigation
F.X. Shen
14. Ten Things the Law, and Others, Should Know about Human Memory
M.A. Conway

Publish Date 30 Aug 2012
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