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The EACVI Textbook of Echocardiography

The EACVI Textbook of Echocardiography

Learning Microbiology through Clinical Consultation

Learning Microbiology through Clinical Consultation

ADHD and Hyperkinetic Disorder

Regular Price $53.96 Special Price $48.55 $44.14
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This pocketbook serves as a concise and practical guide to the management of ADHD for child and adolescent psychiatrists and child psychologists, paediatricians, trainees, psychiatric specialist nurses, interested general practitioners, and other mental health professionals. The pocketbook provides a user-friendly introduction to the clinical understanding, evaluation, and treatment of ADHD. This edition has been updated to include new DSM-5 diagnostic criteria (May 2013) and to reflect more published studies on ADHD in the adult population, along with new data on the CNS stimulant drug LDX (Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate).

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Table Of Content

1: Introduction, Eric Taylor
2: Phenomenology, Tobias Banaschewski and Luis Rohde
3: ADHD Pathogenesis, Edmund Sonuga-Barke
4: Assessment, David Coghill
5: Pharmacological Treatment, Alessandro Zuddas
6: Psychosocial and other non-pharmacological treatments, Manfred Döpfner
7: Organizing and Delivering Treatment, David Coghill and Marina Danckaerts
8: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults, Philip Asherson and Jan Buitelaar

Publish Date 4 Jun 2015
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